I confess that I had a bitter experience with the treatment of this hotel. I had booked 2 nights for me and my mother. However, due to my mother's health problems and we saw that it was impossible to travel, I called to cancel the reservation and at the time I had been told that it was not possible to return the 1st night, but that they would refund the 2nd night (which I thought it was thoughtful on the part of the hotel).
2 weeks later, they informed me that they would not refund me anything after all. I think there could have been more consideration and attention from the hotel and not just an easy monetary gain.
The hotel experience is not just about the comfort they offer to the customer, but also about the consideration and attention that the hotel has for the customer throughout the process. Very bad customer service I must say.
Prisipaž į stu, kad turė jau karč ios patirties gydant š į vieš butį . Buvau už sakę s 2 naktis man ir mamai. Tač iau dė l mamos sveikatos problemų ir pamatė me, kad keliauti neį manoma, skambinau, kad atš aukč iau rezervaciją ir tuo metu man buvo pasakyta, kad 1-os nakties grį ž ti negalima, o antrą ją grą ž ins pinigus. nakties (tai, mano manymu, buvo apgalvota iš vieš buč io pusė s).
Po 2 savaič ių man praneš ė , kad juk nieko negrą ž ins. Manau, kad iš vieš buč io galė jo bū ti daugiau dė mesio ir dė mesio, o ne tik lengvas piniginis pelnas.
Vieš buč io patirtis yra ne tik patogumas, kurį jie siū lo klientui, bet ir dė mesys bei dė mesys, kurį vieš butis skiria klientui viso proceso metu. Labai prastas klientų aptarnavimas, turiu pasakyti.